10 Min

Help Someone Who is Experiencing Abuse

Someone has told you they’re experiencing abuse or you’ve seen someone use the Signal for Help. Now what? Get quick information to support someone.

5 Min

What is the Signal for Help?

What is the Signal for Help hand signal? What should you do if you see it?

10 Min

What is Gender-Based Violence?

Gender-based violence is more common than many people realize, and impacts every community. What is it, and how can you recognize it?

10 Min

How Can I Respond In a Supportive Way?

Sometimes our responses can sound like judgments. Learn how to have judgment-free, trauma-informed, and sensitive conversations so if anyone reaches out to you for help, they will feel cared for and supported.

10 Min

Realities of Abusive Relationships

It can be hard to understand why people in abusive situations don’t “say something,” “do something,” or leave. Learn about some common misconceptions of gender-based violence, so we can support survivors and end the stigma.

10 Min

How Do I Respond at Work?

How can you support a coworker? Learn what to do when you feel concerned about a coworker who may be dealing with abuse, and how to have a stigma-free conversation.

10 Min

Final Scenario

In this final scenario, put your skills from all the modules to the test to see if you know how to better recognize and respond to signs of abuse.

Signal for Help Responder Mini Course Certificate of Completion

Complete all the modules in the Signal for Help Responder Mini Course to unlock a certificate of completion. You have 7 modules left before you receive your certificate.

This project has been funded by Women and Gender Equality Canada.